Monday, May 27, 2019

Solefresh Sneaker Dry Cleaner

I had the pleasure of testing Solefresh's Sneaker Cleaning service and was 
quite happy with the cleaning they did on four of my shoes.
Thanks a lot for your service and time @solefresh_de
You can check out their Pop-up shop at the Bikini Haus Berlin or their sneaker 
dry cleaner online

Here are the before and after pictures of the pairs I handed in:

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Sneakerqueen im Radio

Am Montag hatte ich das Vergnügen meine Gedanken zur Sneakerszene 
beim Deutschlandfunk zu äußern.
Vielen Dank für die Einladung!
Wen's interessiert kann sich das Interview hier anhören

Friday, May 3, 2019

Friedman's Shoes

Before the Internet, what did you do if you were a six-foot-something 
athlete in need of some really big (think size 22), really expensive shoes? 
You did whatever you could to get to Atlanta and see the guys at Friedman’s Shoes.  
