Saturday, February 4, 2023

Nike OTC Meeting 2023

After 3 years of COVID-related abstinence, last weekend the Nike OTC meeting finally took 
place in Shibuya again.
It's been a long wait, I was eager to see many familiar but also some new faces again, 
have some time to chat and nerd out about the models everyone brought and get my 
yearly dose of sneaker obscurities.
Unfortunately our dear Jumi was unable to join this year due to a knee injury, but Marseille 
was very well represented instead.

Because to the very long COVID break this year’s awesome theme was “good bye CORONA”

COLONA, the japanese pronunciation includes the numbers:
so everyone was supposed to to bring models produced in 1975.76.77 or 1985.86.87.

Of course the Nike Air Jordan 1, Terminator and Dunk where heavily represented in every 
obscure way, but also a huge amount of 70s models were filling the shelves.

Apart from being able to spend some time with my dear Japanese sneaker crew I was 
overwhelmed with incredible presents, which made me feel like my birthday and Christmas 
came on the same day.

Ravanelli.konno surprised me with a beautiful original Salem Ewing t-shirt, Kunii-San sent 
me some Mita Forums, which where hand delivered by Chooee and I was super lucky to 
win an amazing bundle of vintage goodies from Nic at the raffle!

I will post these items as soon as I am back in Germany, but for now I am enjoying 
some time off in Koh Lanta, Thailand.

Thank you Nike OTC for your warm welcome, making great new memories and the precious 
A noteworthy special thank you goes to Smit/Shin-Ichiro, Yusuke and Toshiya-Towa for 
putting so much work and love into planning this perfect event!

All pictures after the jump